Good Monday, darlings! Guess what I have? RUBY PUMPS! I have been wanting this polish ever since I discovered the world of nail polish. Now it is finally mine!
A short note on the condition of my nails. Playing piano at university requires nails to be extremely short - I used to keep mine short just because I dislike excessive clicking on the piano, but now my professor hands me the clippers whenever there is the faintest click. Thus, my deplorably short nails. Secondly, this is a bad picture because I had to take it indoors and because it is blurry. Sorry, it was cloudy and cold outside. Oh, and that random ugly thing on my ring finger... yeah, just ignore that. Sorry to assault your eyes!
Now, past the apologies and on to the polish! :) Ruby Pumps is part of China Glaze's permanent collection, but was originally released with the Wizard of Ooh Ahhs collection. As I'm sure you all know, the Wizard of Ooh Ahhs was just rereleased. Yay! Ruby Pumps is a chunky-ish red glitter in a clear red base with some golden glitter interspersed. It is gorgeous. Before I got this polish I couldn't really understand why everyone went just so gaga over it, but now I know. Ruby Pumps rules the world. I don't want to wear any other sparkly or shimmery red ever again because this one rocks so much. Love at first sight. :) All the girls on my hall think so too... my roommate is quite pleased that I own this color now.
I plan to get more pictures of this next time I wear it, so that you can see just how awesome it is. I mean, its not like you can see it on any OTHER nail polish blog. Haha!