Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So, no nail polish today. But I do have BOOKS! I freaking love books, y'all. Lately I've been very unhappy because I cannot read anything not required for school since I have no free time. At all. Ever. I've taken to going on goodreads for extended periods of time and drooling extensively over books. I call it book porn. Oh, and for those who do not know what goodreads is, it is a wonderful website in which you and your friends can review books you have read. Everyone should have one! You can organize your books by shelf, and I tend to spend inordinate amounts of time reorganizing my shelves when I want to procrastinate. :)
Anyways, I wanted to let y'all know that I recently found all these lovely lovely book blogs. I've been lazy and have not searched for book blogs before, but the other day I had a paper due and thus much procrastination was in order; so I searched. I found such an abundance of bookworms, and it makes me so extraordinarily happy! :) I haven't read enough of them extensively enough to say which ones are my favorite yet, but I promise to let you know once I figure things out. So far I know that I do like Book Lady's Blog (www.thebookladysblog.com).
Oh, and also, today I talked to my mother about majors, and told her how much I wanted to major in English, and she told me that that made so much sense for me. Very happy Faithy. I was scared that it just wasn't practical enough ... but I love reading too much not have an English major, methinks. I'm thinking that I'll double major and minor. I would like to major in International Studies, maybe with a European concentration, and English, with a Literature concentration. My minor would be music, concentration in voice, most likely, though piano is very possible. Yay for school! I sign up for Spring classes this Friday ... I kind of have a sucky registration time though, since registration started yesterday. Boo. But hopefully I'll be able to sign up for British Lit. and ballroom dancing and a course in Latin on Ovid. Woot!

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